

Limericks are light-verse poems of five lines with a rhyme scheme of AABBA. They are usually meant to be light-hearted, comical, coarse, or even whimsical.

Example Limericks


There once was a fly on the wall,
I wonder, why didn’t it fall?
Because its feet stuck? Or was it just luck?
Or does gravity miss things so small?


 I need a front door for my hall,
The replacement I bought was too tall.
So I hacked it and chopped it,
And carefully lopped it,
And now the dumb thing is too small.


I need a front door for my hall,
The replacement I bought was too tall.
So I hacked it and chopped it,
And carefully lopped it,
And now the dumb thing is too small.

Here are some examples of limericks

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